SpaceEdge is in trouble. He took the stand today, and now the stand is missing.

141  2019-04-19 by billdipshitbellamy


take my wife, please

I will not stand for accusations that Space is a thief. A child molester, sure, but a thief? How will the children he molests feel when they hear he’s a thief?

There’s video evidence, it goes beyond accusations. He should be sentenced to seven months on the treadmill.

I honestly didn't think he'd be that fucking fat.

What, was he putting that shit on cheeseburgers?

The type with the two grilled cheese sandwiches for buns.

"...It turns out that the stand fit entirely within the man's ass. " (Stares intently at the camera)

One of the greatest Norm lines.

Adrienne has officially filed for divorce from Fatrick Tomlinson. According to friends the two were never a good match. She's more of a 'stay-at-home' type and he's more of a homosexual pedophile.

::After Patton Oswalt is not charged with murdering his wife::

Well it's official, murder in legal in the state of California.

I hope he gets caught stealing a vape charger and the cops give him a irl ban.

Norm is a saint

Just walked off with it. Incredible