Someone on the other sub told SpaceEdge "You opened Panera's Box"

292  2019-04-19 by YangtzeRiverChina

A niggas ribs tho


Line of the day


What calls we make on morning radio echo in eternity...

Lllllline of the day

But whats the color and number of the day ?

We’ll get to that after the Ozone midget sighting.

My brothaman u/patbattle1 lives for a good Wake up Your Wife Wednesday.

The color of the day is Patrice and the number is 14.

Diabetes is not a color.

And he didn't even pay for it!

Mother fucker, if we want to read the other sub, we'll read the other sub.

Go right ahead, twinkletoes

I can’t be seen in a sub like that - Christopher Moltisanti

Not anymore

I saw that and wanted to upvote it, so thank you for walking it over


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"Sorry, child, your account must be at least a day old for me to deign to give it my attention. Wait 24 hours, and I'll approve your account after I've finished my model of the U.S.S. Reliant and the third novel in my sci-fi/pedorotica series. Thank you, my dude."

I petition for it to be changed to this.

Had to pull my rig over, to be honest witchya.

What do you drive?

A rig. What ya got some water on the brain kid? Peterbilt or bust.

I drive a 16 Coronado Glider. Detroit 550, 13sp, balls intact. I prefer Petes but the Gliders suck, and I'm not gonna buy Def, or use a DPF.

Just drive my shit to the grocery shop for wherever the fuck you're going and keep your thoughts in the cockpit.

That's cool spook, I'll get it there on time. So, at the first of the month you and the niglets can eat once your EBT gets refilled.. until then, just go ahead and steal what you want.

Too wordy.

That shit got me too.

What are you going to steal lines from there.

Make your own lines up like the fucking rest of us do you fucking shit stain.

Bad time?

What's going on, big guy?

Please get aids

That's simple, perfect and fucking hilarious.

Niggas ribs hurtin as hard as Dani Golightly on Christmas eve!

Bodog still sponsoring line of the day?

Jesus fucking Christ, that is indeed it.