How/Why Would You Allow Your Photograph and Information to be Accessible via Your Reddit Account?

9  2019-04-19 by ClownFartExpressDeux

Imagine the googly-eyed, thieving audacity it would take to leave that trail of bread crumbs out.

Fucking asshole losers around here--and that includes Tool Man and Shelby.


I cannot figure out why anybody would give this site any identifying info or use even a similar username.

I'm gonna make a wild guess. Someone said SpaceEdge was originally on FBA, which I gather is full blown aids, which I believe was a fan forum when the show was popular. Back in those days it was probably less common to get doxed, and he probably just used the same name for everything up until now and never saw this coming

which I believe was a fan forum when the show was popular.

Damn, sometimes a nigga forgets not everyone is a vet around these parts.

Junkies are basically retards and nothing they do has any consideration for the future.

Why would you put anything on social media? Lurk in the dark with the rest of us faggot.

I haven't even logged in to social media in years. Think of my privilege. Nana would give her colostomy bag to be able to just log in to Twitter.