The more you poke me the more I'll spend my time researching those alleged ped0 claims of you, you fat useless non book selling faggot

16  2019-04-19 by rhooster


looks like hes about to dive into some "cheese pizza" with "walnut sauce"

FYI u/patrickstomlinson when you post on Instagram that image automatically belongs to Mark Zuckerberg. Space Edge looking mother fucker

black out his name so the fat faggot can't claim shit

ooo i wonder who immediately downvotes every comment on this thread, any guesses????

It's either Fatrick or his bearded goblin friend.

Frank Stallone

There are no pedophilia rumors, child.

Looks like a lesbian that drives a ford ranger.

You should be fingerpopping your wife instead of scrolling through reddit, Patrick.

I think we made him stop using the word "Child."

You should appeal