I mean, I like SpaceEdge but... what's he doing?

9  2019-04-18 by GKChestbrahson


Right now? Probably sucking dick for drugs.

He's walking off with our hard-earned possessions, that's what! https://www.instagram.com/p/BYgiKOmFRH_/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app

Fucking SCUMBAG thief. He really motherfucked us..

I am honestly surprised the display didn't immediately shatter into a billion pieces when he began to lean on it

Niggers gonna nog.

What's /u/ants_ccw_permit got to do with this?

She is a national treasure. No matter how much you insult her she comes back for more.

what do you like about him most

His penis was delicious.