We have a Patrick sub on voat in case Fatrick gets this sub banned

9  2019-04-18 by StarbuckAndCasey


We are parodying a public figure which is fine according to voat rules. The voat admins will not bend to Fatty's complaints like reddit does.

Register an account there, read the sub sticky and other informative posts, and get crackin'.

Important: You will be able to start posting after you've earned 10 comment points. Don't beg for upvoats or else you'll get yourself and the sub downvoat brigaded.

There are a bunch of approved submitters listed but that was for when the sub was under an "authorized" setting. Anyone is welcome to post there now.

Don't doxx, don't spam, don't manipulate voats by upvoating your alts (and targeting another user with downvoats) and you should be fine.

Feel free to migrate all your content there and ask me any questions you may have.

Join us!


awesome more rules

Those are Reddits rules dumbass. Are you mad you can't murder people too?

jesus calm down faggot its a joke

you really bring the cool factor of this place down

turning us into squaresville ya dig

No, they are voat's sitewide rules. I don't want you or our sub to get banned.

hi visible plan

I don't know what that means. :(

its a meme from the sub, you either know what i means or you need to linger longer

Nice defeatism stupid

It's a contingency plan and also a new audience to make aware of his awfulness. Come over any time, faggot.