Where we at with the Muller report?

0  2019-04-18 by Grillskillz


What kinda crimes we got?!

I really don't care

I don't think Opie will be going on that fishing expedition with Donald Jr. any time soon.

Are you talking about him talking to Wikileaks?

Who could care?

I applaud Mueller for handing off the side investigation into Joe Cumia (the redacted part is clearly about rotisserie chickens) to the NYPD. Let their sex crimes division handle it, they're professionals.

Who cares. The President called Opie and Anthony slobs and that's awesome!

Sick of this "where we at with x" bullshit. Have your own opinion, stupid

Pundit Patrick Tomlinson is convinced it’s an indictment against Trump. And pundits can’t be wrong. They have to have credentials to call themselves a pundit.