Holy shit enough about that stupid report you insane fat man.

52  2019-04-18 by Mintwa


Thread was instantly downvoted the second it posted. Probably just a coincidence.

Do you ever click on the profiles who like his pictures?

the complete dregs of society, those who would've been put into concentration camps (and not for their ethnicity)

Those are typically the people you find on the fringes. The left seems to be a magnet for the mentally ill.

Leftie politicking is probably the easiest way to get attention while having zero original thoughts or creativity.

It's what dumb people who haven't achieved anything in their lives cling to to boost their egos.

While I agree to a certain extent, at least on social media I’ve seen stuff come from people on the left that cannot be described as nothing else but severe mental illness.

They had a word for them: "Untermenschen"

God, that word takes me back to my honeymoon...

So, so, so, so I’m just supposed to believe that liar Cohen’s testimony? Pass.

“Oh. Oh my”

He sounds like a middle aged queer who’s somehow teleported into the boys communal showers.

Not surprising, seeing as he's a middle aged queer...

I can't wait for Trump to be president for 8 yrs with no impeachment. I will ride my boat down a river of faggot tears. Hot take shit dicks as hated as he is by the right if it was going to happen it would have by now.

Impeachment doesn't mean shit anyway. Remember when Bill Clinton was impeached by congress and then he was stripped of his title, drug into the streets and treated like a leper of society?

No? Fucking exactly...

I think i would like that alternate time line

Meh. I can't hate a guy for constantly trying to get his dick wet. But it is his own fault for marrying a raging bull dyke.

I just don't like him as a person. I'm on board with fucking chubby young interns

Agreed and agreed.

He deserves everything he gets. I feel no sympathy or remorse for the earned treatment of Patrick "It's Not Gay If It's A Baby" Tomlinson

The worst thing about that is in the report, literally 2 lines later, is the Russian admitting that the tapes were fake. There weren't any. But that doesn't fit this idiot's narrative.

You mean an obese, alleged author continuously demonstrates poor reading comprehension?

Still not commenting on Facebook. This ban must be longer than 7 days.

I love it, the report was scrutinized by the most diligent offices of government under the pressure of the entirety of the media but some fat fuck with a banned twitter and facebook is going to find some compromising evidence to get the president impeached in it.

What a snowflake pussy

i seriously have 100xs more respect for flat earthers, 911 truthers and anti vaxxers than russia conspiracy believers.

in real life i know 3 hardcore believers in the russia story. 2 have aspergers syndrome and bad cases. the other is a guy from work who everyone laughs behind his back and he also got scammed by thinking he won a foreign lottery he never entered. i guarantee fatrick has aspergers and never got diagnosed. he acts alot like the 2 aspergers ppl i have to deal with in my life the best part is he actually believes he is smarter than everyone else

Hey, babysealclubber1, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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