Turns out Patrick has a documented history of online harassment of women

23  2019-04-18 by A_TIME_TO_RAPE


Patso pulled the ol' "do you even know how many trans people are beaten and murdered every year!?" when it's trans people who mostly commit the crimes lol

And we're supposed to assume their massive suicide rates are due to "the unwelcoming and transphobic society they've been forced into maaaaannnn" instead of the obvious fact that their mentally ill faggots who honestly SHOULD commit suicide for the betterment of society

Here’s what I say when people use that argument. Trans people commit suicide at a higher rate because society treats them poorly. Then why do white men commit suicide at a higher rate than blacks or Mexicans or Jews etc?

How many trans "women" are murdered by blacks who aren't so woke?

/pol/ vs fat pat




we wouldnt want them joining us, that would just be an awful thing.

pat would never be left alone



Do you even archive, bro? http://archive.is/tgXGz

And they actually know how to hack.

It's like his mental and emotional development stopped somewhere are 14 years old. He really is a man-child.

“White males are far and away the most dangerous terrorist threat we face here in America,” said Tomlinson

That would explain why so many people are moving out of white neighborhoods/school districts and into black and Muslim areas out of abject terror. How many times have you seen a white on the subway and thought to yourself, "he could have a bomb strapped to his chest" or "what if he flies a plane into my office building"?

Happens to me all the time.

This is why we fight. Fuck that fat piece of shit

He doesn't have any lgbt friends. Nor has he ever heard of a lgbt person genuinely threatened with murder by a republican.


Let's hope this article is shared online enough to show up higher on Google searches.

Tomlinson proceeded to call Steele a “cumstain” and instructed him to “eat shit” and “go fuck yourself.”

Piggy boy has more in common with us than he thinks.

I wonder if Melissa Bailes knows that the sub broke Cow Patty like a stick over a knee. It would probably feel good knowing that your torturer has been neutered.

what a prick, i won't lie i felt somewhat bad for him a few days ago because he's obviously not right in the head but i hope he does himself in

u/SpaceEdge spare a needle for patso you fucking junkie thieving cunt

What almost never happens: a random lgbtq being murdered by a conservative.

What happens literally thousands of times a day: faggots like Patrick harass conservatives online and in person.

He's so hateful against any woman who disagrees with him. They're all Adrienne in his eyes. This is psychotic behavior.