Why in the FUCK are there people there actually posting about their favorite show moments!?

10  2019-04-18 by DildoFan

This wasn't happening even one week ago. Please tell me this is just me not getting the bit.


Okay there's been 7 posts in the last 5 hours. We totally Tomlinson'd their asses.

7 books sold is still nearly double what your precious Nazi hatemonger sold, child.

All the haters and funny people have made a mass exodus from that sub to this one, the only ones left over there are dick riders

I think it was a passive aggressive joke about being on topic

Zero irony in those posts.

Like the URLs to Jesse Ventura walking out with emojis in the title?

Like the URLs to Jesse Ventura walking out with emojis in the title?

Hey man, I was serious....😂 😂

See zero irony

Im discussing old shows over there and keeping the funny over here. God knows id hate to be banned for being original or funny.

I should make an alt and rake in some Apprel Fahlls karma. Morons.