What kind of grown man says "Oopsie doodles"?

68  2019-04-18 by SomervilleDan


"Not any more, there's no need" as he keeps talking about. I'm beginning to think this guy isn't very smart

I guarantee he's reported this place for anything he could possibly could and is praying that it gets shut down so he can take a screenshot and show it off to his tiny Instagram following.

Again - this is totally normal behaviour for a successful author.

But don’t forget, he doesn’t care and this is all just amusing to him and the constant ridicule doesn’t keep him up at night even a little bit.

I just hope he's fucking quoting The Simpsons

Oopsie doodles, my sweet summer child! I'm a real tough guy that drinks beer and owns gun, can you smell my testosterone? Shucks. Darn. Toodles.

"Man, you give these guys a lot of airtime" - I think his friend realized he's friends with a fat retard

He'll cut him off and call him a Nazi soon. He had a post not too long ago detailing how he keeps losing real life friends over his political ranting.

Where was that? I'd like to read through those replies.

To be fair, he did say he'd rather be right than happy. Dumbass just doesn't know he's also wrong.

I dont think he's smart enough to know this, but the new sub was made literally because someone forced us to stop posting about him.

No one was on the Fat Pat sub and now the majority of users are here where Fat bashing is legal like it used to be. I hope he updates his blog when people continue annoying him

but the new sub was made literally because someone forced us to stop posting about him.

I'm pretty sure everyone is aware that in 2019 the only way that people of his political alignment can defend themselves is by tattling and silencing.

*whistlin dixie*

Aw fuck! Get away from me you fat bitch! You're spitting chicken nugget hunks everywhere!

dixie = the confederacy?

she could be a subversive agent, we're not sure yet.

A faggot

Wait. Is he seriously celebrating the closure of a joke sub? I read this place, and the place before it, a couple of times a day every day. I didn’t even know about the fatrick sub until after it was shut down. He must really study what goes on with us. Why doesn’t he just move on with life? Take some writing classes, specifically related to editing one’s own work, and better himself? Because you have a lot of work to do, Patrick you have some talent, but you were lazy and you’re coasting on what you think our accomplishments. You’re not a good writer. You’re a very poor writer, lazy and undisciplined. You have potential to be better, why don’t you do that? I read about you while I take a shit in the morning and then while I’m cooking in the afternoon. You know what I do in the middle? Everything you were trying to accomplish. Why did you give up?

That subreddit had a maximum 250 people in it with like 20 or so people posting memes. Can you imagine being so thin-skinned that you not only are searching out joke subreddits but then also celebrating closing them down on your Instagram? I have to think he lurks here all day or has Google alerts for every time "Patrick S. Tomlinson," "Fatrick," or "Adrienne left me" gets typed on the internet. We are so in his head, it's not funny.

Hi Patrick. I know you're reading this, sweet summer child

Of course he does. I didn’t even know about the joke sub until we’ll after it was closed down and I am here daily. My post is still too long and still gives him too much free advice, but I just had to take away the really specifically and pointed advice because he doesn’t deserve it.

Nice pearls before swine, stupid

Nice pearls before swine, stupid

The thing is, I would agree, but pigs are actually really intelligent.

Look at his body. It reflects his mental state when it comes to writing. Sloppy.

Fatrick is a queer as the day is long, but isn't the faggot who wrote that Game of Thrones shit a big fat mess?

He is also massively talented, and I say this as someone who does not enjoy his work but can recognize the brilliance of his concept. Also, he is disciplined in other areas of his life, even if he’s not an adonis. Most successful writers are not massively talented. They need to use their skills: precise editing, massive cuts, creative concepts, and revision revision revision. Read one of his novels and you will see that Patrick has no discipline as a writer. He does have some talent but it will never stand out until he improves. Most successful writers I know, the ones who get there from hard work, usually have their shit together in other areas of their lives. Many of them sell the book from the pitch alone, especially nonfiction. And you really need to have yourself together if you’re going to pitch a nonfiction book. They want to know your expertise and experience and work ethic and they want to see you show it with two paragraphs or less. You’ve got to pretty much get right to the point.

Pat thinks the key is drinking all day like Hemingway. Cargo Cult behavior.

We all know how Hemingway ended up.

He can’t hold down a good story or book, he can’t hold down a family, but he can hold down a child.

The same type that opens & pours Skittles ( purple bag ) into his pockets, so the "youth" have to dig deep for their favorite flavors....

One with the brain and habits of a child, whose wife left with a real man on a real bike so she can get some real dick.

A faggot

A pederast