
165  2019-04-18 by nomobjustice


His look of elation pushes this to "masterpiece" level.


Father Joe planting the seeds of future homosexual behavior with vulnerable boys

Every time i see this I can't decide if he is elated or saying ewwwwwww

Ant had the same dilemma.

He appears to be dancing with joy.


Absolutely. Whistling "Singing in the Rain" in between gargles.

Getting all cleaned up for mommies shoes

I believe the original title of this work was "NO, DADDY, YOU'RE GOING PEEPEE!"

u/TargetedHarassment you and your brother are faggots

Lol how did I not think of that awesome name. I would do it great justice

Your name is even better

"The Aeon is a child at play in his dad's piss"

-Heraclitus, Fragments

Ol' pissy eyed pisseyes

That happy boy doesn't know what to do with his hands.

REMINDER: Father Joe's cum is 50% responsible for this shit.

This fucking picture is perfect.

Great art work. I love mini anth hahah