Superior genetics

203  2019-04-18 by SirSodomy


Above all else - ugly

I’ve been called sexy

You're unfairly lowering the bar for ugly.

Oughta be displayed at the fucking Lourve.

If it doesn't burn down first. Fucking shoddy French electrical outlets.

Nice structural fire, stupids

I hope it does, and this is the only piece recovered.

Or the FBI's most wanted list

Shapeshifting pedophile

The way the nose changes is shockingly realistic.

That nigger is wearing an Eggar Suit

Ant is the Michael Jackson of radio.

One of my very favorite pieces of sub artwork, and that's really saying something. Genuinely. I'd fucking say so if it wasn't. Dude. I'd tell you. I would. Honestly.

Next username idea: JimNortonsHonesty

New subs are the perfect opportunity to repost other people's work for your notoriety.

I’d tell you if I was karmawhoring, honestly.

You should hold a single action army to your head.

I plan to sell this account to Chinese slavers.

I enjoy his Descartes phase


You had to put a link due to an extremely low interest in education shared by a majority of the user base here.

It really makes me sick each time I see Anthony in his Raggedy Ann form.

I totally empathize with the moral and ethical arguments against things like abortion and eugenics, but let's face it, both of those things remove a lot more of the low genetic stock Cumia-types than it does anything else and that can't be a bad thing.

> """"""white""""""