u/SpaceEdge deleted his Facebook pics.

27  2019-04-17 by percykaramello


Prominent pig-like features

I bet he hangs out with a spider named Charlotte

Why bother? Little late for that now.

only thing lazier than that eye is the fuckin rest of him

What do we call that again? Phase 2?

Facebook is on lockdown!

Thank fuck. Not sure why he would want people too see them in the first place.

He looks like he’s wearing makeup in that pic

I made sure to save these the minute I saw them

Imagine knowing everything he knows about that sub and being so willfully stupid that you set yourself up for a beating like this. It's pretty goddamn remarkable

He looks like a pest circa 2005. Faggot.

Not a single picture with another human. Sad!

He looks like he loves Mountain Dew Code Red

All mountain dew fucking sucks.

Thanks for the tip TheReportOfTheWeek.

Shits not even a citrus soda. Maybe if you like shit super sweet like niggers. It's all about 7up and Sprite, 7up mostly.

All about Sprite and 7up? Do you like white bread with a glass of water on the side for dippin' too, shithead?

White bread is only good for pb and J's and tuna fish. Also great for sopping up your girlfriend's pussy juice. Faggot. God I missed this place. And I don't mean r/opieandanthony

"The Consumer," comment?

Can you imagine having to explain to people that you are scrubbing all your social media because reddit is photoshoping you and calling you a junkie faggot? If he had friends i bet that would be real embarrassing.

He never got more than 1 like on his piggy-boy selfies, so I don't think there will be much explaining to do

It was probably his mom that “liked” his pictures.

Oh who am I kidding, his mom hates him

The slightly darker coloration around his mouth leads me to believe that this man eats poop

What an incredible scientific breakthrough

That left eye.... lol jesus christ man.

Googly eyed neck beard faggot.

pathetic, if true.

His sail is full of shame from the ribbing he's been taking over his porcine features.

He somehow manages to share the features of both a long haul trucker and a Prius driver. A faggot on all fronts.

imagine if you were that much of a fucking nothing. dumb ass.

Stick to the sunglasses, stupid.

Then, the doctor told me that BOTH my eyes were lazy! And that's why it was the best summer ever! 

What the fucks going on with this pig's infatuation with giant oversized glasses? He has the fashion sense of my grandmother.

What a sack uh shit.

I didn't know you were allowed to drive with a lazy eye.