Think it would be great if Beige or Porsilan to do a Ken Burns style doc on the OnA sub reddit Civil War of 2019. Sure one of them are working on it.

12  2019-04-17 by assreaperpartdeux


Or both. Lets finally see who's better.

"My dearest ihatepeckas, I hope this finds you well..."

"The sheer faggotry of this conflict still astounds me, Sir"



Admiral intellectualhomosexual rallied his troops well but the persistence of General bonniesretardedsister won the day.

what the fuck were you even trying to do?

Copy and pasted intellectual cause obviously im not one. and somehow turned out like this.

It’s not a war, it’s a fat fucking pile of lard on a power trip. Well wait this out for a month before u/SpaceEdge dies of a heart attack or suicide

Hope both are working on it. I was never for alienating one or the other. Both make entertainment for free.
