The Mushmouth Negro over on Youtube is talking shit on us. Calls us homosexuals for getting pissed at SpaceEdge.

7  2019-04-17 by HomeRunCumia_Deux


Don’t click on that

Agreed, I just put it for evidence...

Says we're not funny, and that the O&A Pests were/are better at trolling, which greatly offends me...

Very disrespectful.

Is this half breed still asking for donations so he can run down to the liquor store for a 40 oz?

He calls us "losers" in the video...


I don't associate with niggers.

imagine not being able to speak probably and thinking you can be a YouTuber who just talks while showing screenshots. at least edit the videos so we don't have to hear you struggling to breathe through your fat nigger nose while trying to form a coherent sentence. nigger.

"Who like got banned off of twitter for like threatening the President or so... a bunch of crazy stuff like that I suppose"

Wow that's some hard hitting analysis.

His content really goes to show that all you have to do to get a ton of views on a video is have a clickbait title and clickbait thumbnail about whatever news happens to be popular of that week. You can literally be a blathering nigger in the video and still rack up the views.

Remember when he got shit for reuploading a token Braun stream? He does that shit daily now and completely without shame. Everyday he takes some autists upload of O&A audio and reuploads it to his own channel for hits.