Quality content over there

45  2019-04-17 by ShiIIyFaggot


I'm anxiously awaiting them breaking out the "If the Cumias were a fruit, what kind of fruit would they be?" material.

A stand-alone fruit. So-sor...sorry, I’m just not having a good day.

Take the stick, buddy

Right. Yea-righ- huffs Anyway, on Big Brother, last night...

Focalizer? What's his name, Shlomo?

You take your cakehorn and get the hell out.

Haha faggot faggot deleted it.

u/JohnTheGreat78 comment?


I like that your disgust was so great, one "faggot" simply doesn't cut it.

His posts are drek.


I'm over here now.

Why not make a thread about the post I made mocking this subreddit "war" or is self mockery banned here?
