Since we are starting over here on the new subreddit, I have a list of several demands for the mods. Please sticky.

23  2019-04-17 by BoardroomBimmy

  1. Get rid of that goddamn motherfucking "Welcome to the subreddit, cocksucka!" garbage. Chip jokes have no business being here. We are proud Redditards.

  2. I support the everything goes mentality but please don't allow this place to be taken over by the MDE faggots and their nonsensical "j00s, amirite?!" MS paint drawings again. There should really be no goal for this sub other than to fuck with people and make everyone laugh. If you legitimately believe in a world Jewish conspiracy, keep it the fuck out of here or at least make it funny.

  3. Again, I support everything goes but keep "le beefers and dumpers" from clogging up the sub. If you don't know how to find naked ladies on the Internet on your own, then you're probably too stupid to exist. Stay the fuck out.

  4. The banner should be updated. Anthony was fired 5 years ago. Nobody cares anymore. And we know that at some point we will get tired of Fatrick, so the banner should be ever-evolving to showcase whatever loser we have our sights set on at the moment.

  5. Joe is still a bovine simpleton. Don't ever forget that.

Thank you for your service!


Are you ok with Dave Smith Faggot posts?

Who the fuck is that?

  1. Vigoda wants his flair.

My father deserves veneration

I love you, my boy. Don't ever forget it.

"If you legitimately believe in a Jewish world conspiracy..."

Nice try, Shlomo

don’t worry I’m starting a list

The banner should be updated

Have a contest, the winner gets to have sex with Layla Cumia once she turns 18.

Note: Family members are *not allowed to participate

She'll have a 3 year old mulatto son by that point. No thanks. Damaged goods.

I agree for the most part, with a few amendments.

  1. We're not MDE and we never really tolerated their bullshit in the first place, but I don't know how you totally avoid making Jew jokes. We're Mel Gibson fans for heaven's sake.

  2. Beefers for us is like spice: a little bit and you have a great dish, too much and it ruins the entire meal. The juxtaposition of seeing a thread like "Anthony got buttfucked by Sue" and the very next thing being fat Jewish titties is funny from time to time.

  3. I love the idea that we're still calling ourselves Opie & Anthony fans, but we hate them and we also hate other things. It's like, the brand is ours now but they're still going to get blamed for it. Also we make fun of Anthony and Jim on a sub that's dedicated to their most famous body of work. It's beautiful and I don't want it to change.

This guy knows what's up. I'd love it if we could get together sometime and suck each other's cocks :D

Nice try, faggot.

(DM me)

Better be before the jacuzzi

Only a dumb, bankrupt Eastern European cunt could make that mistake!

  1. I support the everything goes mentality but please don't allow this place to be taken over by the MDE faggots and their nonsensical "j00s, amirite?!" MS paint drawings again. There should really be no goal for this sub other than to fuck with people and make everyone laugh. If you legitimately believe in a world Jewish conspiracy, keep it the fuck out of here or at least make it funny.

"I support mocking everyone, but let's leave the poor jews alone!"

Are you gay or Jewish?

I still like Chip jokes, Beefers and Dumpers and you'll take them only from my cold dead account

Fuck off, kike lover.

And can someone explain why Joe is a mod?

And are we really still calling ourselves Pests? That’s what the subscriber count reads right now.

i'd cosign this by and large, though i would never describe myself as a 'redditard', let alone a proud one. i think this website is disgusting and the only good its ever done is in damaging the lives of those targeted by r/opieandanthony. i would also shy away from any sense of actual community. once people start making friends on here and whatever else, cunts pair off and group up and get gay. i honestly hope i don't have anything in common with most of you, save a hatred for the same select group of faggots and a love of saying the nigger word.