r/opieandanthony is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.

2  2019-04-17 by Every1ShouldBKilled

New sub coming soon, moderators wanted.

This new sub’s purpose, is to completely encapsulate the meaning of what the post-O&A world should be: Fighting faggots peripherally related to the show or completely unrelated to the universe, while showering Norm and Colin with unequivocal praise, all couched between posts about Beefers and Dumpers.

And all of this would hypothetically happen on the new sub, away from any faggot junkie mods that try to act like random useless arbitrators, or who just inexplicably grinding the gear of fun to a halt. The fun and freedom we used to enjoy on this sub cannot continue to happen, as long as the mods (or one particular mod) are what they are, and who would ban anyone that did something as simple as hurting their feelings.

Only thing you would need to observe is reddit’s global policies. And to consider the right course of action, in the off-chance someone tried to pursue legal action against the users (case by case, obv).

Other than that; no rules, just right.


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Who installed this traitor-bot?

We're kind of spread out enough already, I don't know that dividing even more is the way to go.

I hear you, but this one is really only temporary, as an act of defiance from SpaceEdge. I personally like BigGreenYamo and TheToolMan, but we need a fresh start without any of them or their alts. That’s what I’m saying here.

Yamo ain't so bad. He worked there dor years for free and threw it away to take a shot at SpaceEdge. He's not really the enemy and isn't really responsible for these war crimes. We'll need an experienced mod to get us out of jams sometimes. Someone said they almost got banned for crossposting and Yamo saved them. That's working for the sub, not against it.

As for ToolMan I'm not really familiar with him so I can't speak on that.

Yamo unbanned my first account awhile back during the street shitter posting, he isnt a bad dude at all

but i need to blame people for my actions

hear that u/BigGreenYamo you stooge

Yeah let's get him. I'm bored

my heart isnt in shitting on Yamo, I just like to pester him

u/BigGreenYamo here boy

So... this sub?

This is the new sub, stupid.

Do you know where you are? You're at the plastic bag convention. You're gonna diiiiiiiiiiiie

That's not our home, it's a temporary refugee camp in only the direst of times. Do you want to take everything PFG-Sciple worked for, motherfucker? That's PFB.

this one is fine

i'm fawwkin done wit dat sub tobehonestwitcha, i thought we were close but they banned *sniff* me.

Haha metoo

honestly without sounding like a fag (you can't accuse me of it because i called myself it, HA)

what the fuck even happened? everything was cool albeit a bit retarded a week ago but all of a sudden junkie boy pops a rod and thinks he's the man? that sub's been going on for ages now half the cunt's are banned? i'll sober up tomorrow and hopefully not give a shit but i will lol

I think Patso's threats of legalities and attornisms spooked the child

right but as gay as it that would be, one post from him explaining that and i'd reluctantly accept it

but the fact he's banning people for essentially nothing is retarded

I literally made an entire post under the premise that he did it under duress an the just said "nuh uh, never habbind AWRITE? lolol"

i'm a bit too drunk too properly reply but if he was to choke on his own vomit tonight, that'd be cool.

i'll have another artistic piece up soon

where the fuck is /u/ichise8 ? FUCK

Nah nigga. We good.

I like how the old sub is a ghost town now