/r/opieandanthony threads in a month

18  2019-04-16 by throwawawyy2

"hypothetically how wouldve chad Zumock fared on da show back in the day?" - discussion on how z-list compound media comics wouldve been on the show

"beefers" - picture of bad tits

"beefers" - picture of opie

"beefers" - picture of bob kelly

"faggot" - picture of old show staffer ypu forgot about

"not a faggot" - picture of Bob Levy

"does anyone remember when x did y? That was so z?" - reminiscing about days where they were just middle aged fat truckers instead of old fat truckers.

"hey guys found my old WOW shirt! Turns out my wife was using it as a pool cover. Wild!" - people amazed that they bought merchandise once.


Somebody posted the worst pair of lopsided fake tits earlier as "Bolt on Beefers". That's the kind of high quality content SpaceEdge wants

I hope they stay there so this place can be better