Reminder that SpaceEdge = Nigger

18  2019-04-16 by beigedocumentaryfan


I agree with him. There's no need for that kind of language on the internet.

This post is gold worthy. If only you were a 40 year old blonde woman with a dead brother.

Ah the "n" word.

Imagine being this much of a lefty cuck faggot.

What a nigger

i used to get a visceral feeling when I saw or heard nigger

people need to break out of the nigger matrix

Hi, Fartpooof!

I am here to wish you well, and hope this year is your best one yet!



This boss eyed faggot did nothing any time anybody else here was getting railed on. I wish he'd go look at two things at once somewhere else.

Reminder that it would be terrible for anyone to create multiple throwaways and message him nigger, fat-titted nigger junkie, or any variation of that sort.

That would be just plain mean.