Joe is posting here in an attempt to raise his karma

1  2019-04-16 by YangtzeRiverChina

Seriously, what fucking adult in his 60s could be this pathetic? He's spending his day scrounging around bootleg subreddits for fake internet points. Fucking welfare leech queer, get a fucking job


Naw, all of a sudden we've got people who've never posted on an O&a sub coming here suggesting we doxx him and posting links the same time "Joe" posts SpaceEdge's ID? They're trying to do something cute to get the subs banned. Too fucking stupid to be clever about it.

I've never heard an American use the term "dickybreath" before.

If it is I hope he does something stupid enough to lose all of Nanas money.

Joe probably figures he's set for life with Ant's life insurance now that Nana is on heart attack #2.

i also find it weird that he has now made several announcements demanding more karma

as far as i can tell karma means nothing and has no effect on using the site right? i dont even understand why i would want more of it. can i trade it in for something of value? no.

I think if you're pretty negative your posts/comments may not actually appear in some subreddits or lose priority maybe. I was once told by a mod I my karma was too negative. Really fucking gay.