Are the pests responsible for the new reddit harrassment policy?

1  2019-10-01 by INeedHELPASAPdude

I'm assuming Fatrick and Bovine Joe both contacted reddit and bitched about "muh harrassment". Knowing that their might be a potential suicide on their hands, they acted swiftly. I've only seen the OnA subs targeted where the other, much more heinous harrassment subs are up.


I've only seen the OnA subs targeted where the other, much more heinous harrassment subs are up.

Thank you, I was questioning whether this was a bit until I got to that part

I think its the incel shit. A bunch of those got banned. for example

Yeah, they're popping in the news every day because of this weird correlation the media is making between them and the new Joker movie. I think reddit just wanted to wash their hands of them in case of them did pop off and shoot up a movie theater.

You just gave me the idea to start @IncelsSubReddit on Twitter. It wouldn't be difficult at all to adapt everything I've written for us for them too. 😂Not sure I wanna get involved with that world, though.

You dont

Wow you really believe in yourself and the power of the one website you use. How autistic is it to think 1 page is responsible for this