OG O&A sub banned under Reddit's updated harrassment/bullying policy

28  2019-09-30 by FezzieAlwaysWins

Reddit released a new anti-bullying/harassment policy about an hour ago and banned the original /r/opieandanthony sub at the same time

The new policy is here:



It really is such faggotry that places are being banned because people are hurt by words. This safe space site sucks cock. It’s dying out soon.

Reddit died the day fatpeoplehate was banned

You see all those comments on the front page thing where people act like they got edgy comedy game.

But throw an insult their way with the word faggot and you get silenced. Then people think it’s ridiculous when you accuse them of pretending like prejudice or racism isn’t a part of who we are.

There’s nothing wrong with attempting to be funny and being insensitive. Faggots.

Reddit is Millennial Facebook. We have to go off-site. Have our own url and a Reddit clone. Reddit is Europe and we're the Jews. We keep getting kicked out for causing trouble and have to build (steal) our own Homeland.

I like the idea of a URL. If fucking stormfront can exist in clearweb, so can OnA.

When we have tried our own forum or Reddit-like alternatives in the past, the key issue is that they are mostly not mobile device friendly. Most of us are posting while shitting or on our breaks at Panera so anywhere offsite we migrated to would have to cater to that.

That looks pretty arbitrary.

/u/quasi101 - think you can get a saidit clone up and running? The admin there seems very friendly and accommodating. I'm sure he would send you the source code.

I am working on a forums on the archive site. I have an export of the old forums so theres lot of saved content. Saiddit clones and reddit knockoff are very heavy weight. It include a bunch of shit we dont really need and hosting/dev time isnt worth it. A simple php forums with mysql dbs is well established at this point.

Saint on ert, may Mel be with you.

I just wanna state that I definitely understood the last sentence.

If you go that way, make the forum simple and compact. Don't allow avatars.

Problem with message boards is they get cluttered with avatars, users join date, post count and meaningless rank, etc--all stuff we don't need to see. So a paragraph long comment takes up just as much space as someone saying faggot.

MySQL is shit. Use PostgreSQL instead.

I've got to second what brotherman u/anthonycumio is saying here. I've had some BAD experiences with MySQL that are very difficult to unravel once you are running it full noise in prod.

its not production you sillies. i'm setting up a quick hacky forum to regroup. This isn't a professional operation here and I don't have root access because I don't want to pay 80 bucks a month.

Fair enough brotherman, I get where you are coming from now. I just saw "MySQL" and had a series of intense unpleasant flashbacks without fully considering your situation

WTF?!?!? How is the original sub banned?!?! It’s set to private so we can’t get in but ?!?!?!!?!

It’s probably the faggoty patrick cult that we’re still mad SpaceEdge didn’t want to mod a sub dedicated to screenshots of some nobody’s social media accounts.

All it does is prove that Spaceedge was a faggot.

So for consistency sake, Chapo is banned too, right?

Are people still using that?

Only the ones who follow the saidit "Pyramid of Debate": https://saidit.net/static/PyramidDebate.jpg

Looks gay, but I subbed since this new policy might make our current whack a mole less effective...

Some of the funniest shit the community ever did was on saidit. But yeah I havent been back there in a long time.


Haha spacedge nice holding that shit on us

they are banning subs with no people posting in them? mind is blown.

Isn't filling false DMCA claims a form of harassment or bullying?