r/TACN is so dead, I posted a thread about how JoeH drinks child spit and not one person downvoted, upvoted, or replied.

34  2019-09-21 by MonsieurSodomie


Looks like a potential new home. We can use it at a temporary resting place before the retarded admin bombs it and Joe’s relationship with Moomia simultaneously.

Or just ruin r/HowardStern

They deleted your thread

Like a shadowban? It still is up for me


  1. Use NP Links.

  2. No Brigading.

  3. No Illegal Content.

  4. No Spamming.

Otherwise, this is a free speech zone. You won't be censored for your opinions, no matter how dumb they are.

Seems they are as much a "free speech" supporters as AntH.

Yeah fuck that shit hole it is just like childpoundmedia dead, has one poster a faggot jadka and his 3alts got banned for posting that tweet of some guy roasting the worm.

a certain resident of milwaukee got a lot of people suspended today

Rip u/quasi100