thats a new record, folks

4  2019-09-21 by ichise7

5 subs in one day. oh lord have mercy. folks, im not even kidding, i can audibly hear war hero joes war whoops. his laughter is actually making its way across the country, fellas.

oh jeez louise, fellas. i got a report that war her joe and pulitzer pat and to be hospitalized from laughing so hard. oh gee whiz, folks, this is embarrassing.

also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile


oh hee hah ho hee ho. oh my sides are splitting, folks. oh gee whiz.

also, gregg "opie" hughes once ate raw a dead childs small intestine which was filled with feces. the opester called it a "feclair". hes gotta be stopped


There goes another one. :)

Best. Night. Ever.

This is some crazy ass shit to be honest

New sub?

sorry, chum. its a done deal, pal. all new subs get shut down in an hour or less. put a fork in it folks, its over.

i predicted this a year ago. also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile

Too real, ichise. Please, try to cool it.

love it

I don't like you but goddamn if you're absolutely right.