Gavin singing karaoke at Ants Compound

5  2019-09-02 by StutterinPrickYou



alt right guy singing the clash, oh the irony.

nazi guy


If you don't want to see every non white man women and child raped and tortured to death while their loved ones are forced to watch while also being raped you're a faggot nigger and your whole family deserves to be beaten to death while the children scream "MOMMY DADDY NOOO"

Hi, nowhitegenocide88!

Have a great day!


making a new account after i blocked your other one

I support you and your mission 100% im awaiting orders from the High IQ Aryan God you are

To steal a line "He's a better racist than a singer"

plz repost i want to capture the cumia prance at the end