0  2019-08-21 by sarralinn


God, he’s such a bitch ass.

He’s Jealous of The Destroyer’s post radio success.

What is that thing on the end ? And yup let’s shit on the guy who made me a millionaire for the 100000th time

He's as bad as Maddox.

As good as WATP can be, he's a total hack fraud. He replays shows when he takes a week off. I already listened to the entire thing, why would I want to listen to it again? If you're going to do repeats in a got-dang podcast, why do you think people wouldn't rather listen to the best parts of a few shows? Do you really think they want to listen to you kill time by reading your reviews on iTunes multiple times? Get bent you chinless garbage plate eating loser.

Anthony I can cut some slack. He had to deal with “HOLD ONNN” and “ argjfjjrjejjf” screams whenever someone contradicted Opie. But who the fuck are these 3 dudes? I don’t even know who they are. Literally could lick Greggs nuts because as shitty as Opie was at times, they are no one.

Yeah true who is anyone on compound media!? All the guests they have on I never even heard of before ... Same with the other shows don’t know who anyone is & no one watches those shows either ...

Do you watch Ants videos? I don’t. Not worth $10 a month

Yeah I wouldn’t recommend ever paying for that service.. They doxx their subscribers and still charge u when u quit ... I have another way I get it 😉 Also I only skim through parts of his show to see if he talks about any gossip like today it was all about Opie 🙂

What makes you enjoy skimming through the episodes?

Shame on you for watching cheese pizza media, and supporting an old ghoulish pedophile

Feed Nana.