Remember that time when u/ILoveYouJohnnyCakes would sticky one of his Posts wherein he asks for names of possible alt accounts by banned users

0  2019-08-16 by AnthonyCumiasBrother

What kind of nazi faggot is that guy?


Looks good on the stupid faggot. Suck my dick Johnny Cakes. That good should of been kicked in the original sub

Yeah much better to post with some legless fat bitch on here.

Comment u/ILoveYouJohnnyCakes oh wait i forgot i banned u πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‰ u r the worst mod....

You're my hero I fucking hate that faggot so god damn much. Him and his cohorts like n64cube have ruined our community.

πŸ™‚ Yeah The Mods Have Ruined That Sub, Everyone Complains about Them

It's the fucking hypocrisy. Okay to talk about niggers all ya want, but mention Jews and your shadowbanned. Criticize them for it and your just banned. Bunch of thin skinned faggots.

yeah, that’s what happened

as we all know, the hypocrisy is the worst part

No. I don't remember that at all.

You're the idiot sending mass messages to the entire sub like a stalker. He's not so you lose