This is Why Kevin Fired Brian For Being on Bill's Show?!?!?

2  2019-08-08 by sarralinn


You can't always tell if Kevin's doing it for his "Burning Bridges" shtick or not. He's shit on Mark Normand for a couple of years & he was on a patreon episode a few months back. I listen to MLC & he's a dumb fuck if he has got rid of him, he's a good co-host & was getting better.

The episodes vary in quality as it is, depending on guests (the Godfrey one recently was great, Burr too & even Geno Bisconte wasn't bad, surprisingly) & if Brennan's willing to let anyone else talk depending on his mood.

What the fuck is this morning zoo shit?

I have no idea Who any of these people or shows are on Compound Media... the only person I know on that network is Erock and Anthony .... I don’t listen to any of the shows .... and Brian got fired for going on a show no one listens to.... that was so not smart that he did that .. if ur going to get fired at least go on a show people actually watch ...