U/ILoveYouJohnnyCakes Just Banned Me From The O&A XYZ Sub.... I didn't even do anything he just hates me....

8  2019-06-13 by sarralinn


Jokes going to be on them when this is the last O&A sub allowed on Reddit.

I know πŸ˜‚


u/ILoveYouJohnnyCakes Just made 1 report on a post i just made About The O&A XYZ Sub About The Mods Deleting Posts & Banning Everyone They Don't Like From That Sub... https://imgur.com/dAACAie

https://imgur.com/Qf4r5Fh Other Image u/ILoveYouJohnnyCakes care to comment??

Honestly, I think you are autobanned a bunch of places. Don't let your wife hit you during a live stream or any other time. That is super unhealthy and makes me feel bad for you. You need to get out of that relationship. You get a lot of shit on O&A subs, but nobody deserves to be hit. Real talk.

I’m not Saiyanz... I made a saiyanz Reddit acct to troll.. then everyone just thought I was him.. I used girl emojis and such so u can even tell it was me

Kyle is pretty effeminate though, using "girl emojis" doesn't prove you aren't Kyle. Kyle isn't exactly a masculine dude.

No if u listen to his live streams he talks about me on reddit being him.... He has talked about it several times so a lot of people know its me being him...

https://imgur.com/cNtcjh5 I think u/ILoveYouJohnnyCakes is scared of me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Oh dear.

At least you can't be banned from your own sub and we all know that this is the only place to go to get all the latest O&A news.

Yeah true πŸ™‚

GOD Punished you for being a hypocrite and removing my thread: https://postimg.cc/941Z5CcR and then soon after, pretended to BREAK NEWS!!! with your own

Put MY original thread back, and delete your imitation thread. And GOD may forgive YOU Emily!

To be fair, you’re a very stupid person.

It’s Funny how I know it’s him he is one of the very few people I have blocked/banned on my Reddit page πŸ™‚

No offense, but you're kind of a fag for wanting to be there in the first place.

Yeah it's fine I'm used to being banned on the O&A Sub but I literally didn't even say or do anything Johnny just banned me because he hates me that's the only reason I got banned...

Why does he hate you?

He hates how I am on the sub.. I use emojis and pusheen or other cute gifs or videos...and he hates how I type too it annoys him.. he always yells at me every time I see him on the o&a sub... He used to @ the mods and try to get them to ban me...

Dude, it's because you are Kyle

I’m not kyle !!!!

Only Kyle cares this much about wanting to be with those fags.

I'm not Kyle!! I have a parody acct!! I make fun of him on that acct it's funny πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I wasn't thinking Kyle, myself.... but now that he mentions it, Kyle DOES care an awful lot about being accepted by those retards.

What is this spell OkaySeriouslyBro/Vigoda/Johnnycakes has on some of you? I just don't get it.

I have a parody acct for Kyle I use girl emojis and make fun of him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Wait, people are dedicating parody accounts to this guy? When did he become this important?

I did it as a joke I got so many hate comments some I couldn't stop Laughing at πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚