U/theblueawning ...

1  2019-08-15 by TheRocketRosenthal

Drip...drip...drip Hear that Danny? The drip from your faucet, sounds like a dying heart. You know, if anyone were ever to beat the Rocket, it wouldn’t be their moves that do the Rocket in. The Rocket can counter anything. It wouldn’t be their strength. The Rocket is made of space age steel and fueled by the Rocket fuel of the millions...and millions of fans throughout the globe. It wouldn’t be their intelligence. As you know the Rocket’s intellect is meteoric. No, Dan, it would be their heart. Their heart would keep them going until they found a way to ground the Rocket, even temporarily. Drip...drip...drip. Unfortunately, your heart is like that dripping faucet. Rusted, old, and focacta. You can’t beat the Rocket, but your obsession won’t let you rest. It won’t let you realize the depths of your unhealthy admiration for the Rocket. So, the only thing left for the Rocket to do is get you in the ring, hit the Red Glare, and hope that it knocks some sense into you after the three count. You’ve brought this on yourself. Fight the match, save what little dignity you have. If you feeeeeeeeeeeel...what The Rocket...is launching.


I saw Kyle covering Danny's latest hot news.