Steve Austin to Sam “Explain to me this Brillo pad attached to your face Sam?!”

31  2019-08-14 by lolercakesmcgee

August 5th around 1:43:30



Damn. I wonder how many different people have made that crack at him. Of course its been said here but people from other parts of his life. I sure its one of the most popular. WWE talent shitting on him has to make him run home and have a match with his toys to make that guy lose before he can sleep.

As much as I'd like to agree with you, I can't help but picturing him doing the Principal Skinner, "No.. it's the Everyone in the World who are wrong" because he grew up in a coddled Skinner Box in which he could literally do no wrong. His parents are overly attached psychos who created an overly detached psycho.

That clip of The Rock yelling at Sam to stop interrupting him and what the hell "the haps" is and seeing Sam clam up is basically what I use to jerk off to. Because I KNOW he replays that one in his head at three in the morning when he can't sleep

What a legend.

Hah sam is such a faggot I know he went home and cried to sleep that night. Growing up all his life no skill, no muscle, no average looks, talked and laughed like a fag, only talent was he could flip a nickle off of his big toe. Sam cant change a tire and has watched roided up sweaty men in underwear wrastle with soap opra drama. Stone Cold was no doubt his favorite wrassler growing up. 25 years later he meets his hero on the job and he bashes him for his ugly looks.
That deserves a beer and a hell yeah.

It's weird that her trainer is an off duty cop

Lmao, the man built on chicken nuggets