An observation

3  2019-08-14 by noilanoilan

I’ve never seen Joe Cumia deny being the LI serial killer here. I will present you with evidence, albeit circumstantial. Allow me to begin:

joe cumia lives on long island


Joe is too stupid to pull it off. He isn't stupid in a "so genius he can pull it off" kinda way. He is stupid in an honest-to-goodness airhead way. Dude is dumb as fuck.

it could just as easily be KeithH or AntH. There is evidence supporting those theories, although slightly less supported than the JoeH theory. The evidence goes as follows:

KeithH lives on Long Island

AntH lives on Long Island

Keith would be the kinda guy to brag about his crimes, and Ant would do something sexual with the corpse. I'm not a professional, but I think this disqualifies them from being suspects.