The destroyer pummeling Piggy Schumer and basically calling Norton a kiss ass

17  2019-08-12 by detroitjerkoff


That's ok. I believe ya.

Then just "leave it alone".

You should join forces with the destroyer. He seems to have some dignity left unlike the others

I don't think that's in the cards. Opster blocked me ages ago for suggesting is follower count isn't exactly accurate.

I got nothing against you. I liked your Christine video too, but maybe a little less poking at people would pay off? I mean, you probably don't like it when the sub pokes at you, right? It's probably too late now though. I'm not in that field so I get to say what I want without getting blacklisted. If you're truly out of the biz, write a blog or do some videos about the real shit.

Less poking at people?? Did somebody in this sub say "maybe a little less poking at people would pay off??" Lolololol

What would it pay, Chum?

I haven't been in radio since 12/12/12. Do videos? Why. So you can dislike it and file DCMAs on them? I should do a ton of work for zero payoff? No thanks.

Ugh, you’re such a cunt. The guy was throwing you a bone, but you just can’t help being an unpleasant shit. Can’t wait until this sub runs you off again. Enjoy eating spaghetti for dinner again, world’s-only unsuccessful Jew.

There's no running me off. It's simply when I decide to participate.

You have no concept of my success or lack thereof. You have no idea what I do. What an uninformed this to suggest.

Right, you’re totally in control. It was your career choice to get shit-canned from one of the coolest jobs on the planet. Then again from another one. And I’m sure selling Pretendos was always your passion, but only when you weren’t begging for Patreon money for your dreadful podcast. Nothing wrong with occasionally failing at shit, which you happen to do at a hall of fame level, but you’re practically 50 years old and have the same attitude as a 9th grader skipping gym class because he’s “above it all”. That’s why your life stinks, it’s your fault. Maybe if you weren’t such a frosty cunt with an unrealistic sense of accomplishment, you wouldn’t be living in some shithole New Jersey township, barely making the rent on a 650 square foot studio shitbox above an abandoned Blimpie. You’re basically Lady Di without the good looks or charm. Brother Joe without a working credit card. Informed enough for ya?

It was your career choice to get shit-canned from one of the coolest jobs on the planet.

Waking up at 3AM to help 3 petulant children continue to rake in millions while you make peanuts is not "the coolest jobs on the planet". To YOU it is. Because you've never done anything else besides sweeping pizzaria crumbs.

38 is not "practically 50 years old". Emulators was a great side hustle that made me tons of bank. You have no idea, what I do, where I live. Who I hang out with. How do you come to these conclusions? When people see how much YouTube sucks, they switch to Patreon. There's no begging involved as thousands of podcasts have made the switch.

Seems like you have all this hatred for me but can't process exactly WHY. You seem to hate me becuase....I was fired? I started a side hustle to suppliment income? Sounds like a lot of projection to me. Do YOU have some shitty job and live above a Subway? Sounds like it.

I think I articulated why I hate you pretty clearly in both my posts. You’re a cunt.

Are you sure? I'm rereading it. All I see here is that you think I'm "above it all" which I'm not even sure what that means, and also that I'm a "frosty cunt".

Funny how you know all these things despite never meeting me and only knowing what you know from a 15 year old radio show and intermittant Reddit posts. Fuckin' grade A detective over here.

Come on man, you’re clearly not happy with your life. It’s fine, most people aren’t. But eventually they look inward and try to change something about themselves, if only to make life more pleasant for the people around them. Learn to hate yourself like the rest of us hate you, and then maybe you’ll work to change your cunt attitude. You earned some good grace with the Ant pedo news (although I think you were more complicit than you lead on, not that I think you fucked kids, but you turned a blind eye because you wanted to protect the job you now pretend to have hated so much), but as soon as you start responding with cunty posts like the one I first complained about, you bring us right back to that Guitar Hero-losing bitch that pointlessly argued with Patrice and Steve C. on the show. And yes, I don’t know you, but your persona on the show and on here is enough to get an accurate gauge of the person you are. Maybe not 100%, but I’m right there. And I haven’t even mentioned your religion to give you an out from this inane back-and-forth, but here you go: KIKE

I’m starvin’... Earl we got any Frosty’s back there?

You really are an awful, sour little pisspot. Genuinely.

Emulators was a great side hustle that made me tons of bank.

Illegal and shameful

Emulators are not illegal. If you're gonna talk shit about ROMs, I sure hope you've never downloaded a song, movie or program before EVER.

Yes, the roms are illegal and every other aspect of your offering is shameful at best. And I didn't download anything to sell it EVER.

You did something illegal and you kept making money off it. You are a failed career criminal, Daniel.

But you did download stuff, which makes you everybit a criminal I am. It's OK you stole stuff cuz you didn't sell it? lol. OK pal.

But you did download stuff

I didn't say that.

which makes you everybit a criminal I am

It wouldn't, which was the point I was making.

It's OK you stole stuff cuz you didn't sell it?

No, it wouldn't be OK, but criminal to a considerably lesser degree. The commercial aspect makes a big difference. It should be surprising that you seem so reluctant to see that.

STFU. Go on eBay or Etsy and search for emulators. They're PLENTY available. Get off your holier than thou shit. You listen to shit and dick joke radio. Get real.

holier than thou

It's not even the issue that it's wrong, but that it's embarrassing. There seems to be more honor in sucking dick for coins, is all I'm saying.

What's embarrassing is Travis selling "prize closet" stuff on his personal eBay. Go talk shit about him all day. $1000s of dollars worth of DVDs and Video Games that YOU were supposed to have.

But please go on..

Ratting on Travis for no reason, you are the worst, Dan. He is solid.

See? What a hypocritical cunt you are.

I heard Earl did that too, after not only mailing the prizes to his home address, but overnighting them.

Can someone let Nintendo know Daniel "Danny" Ben Dovid Ross was 'making bank' off selling their property? They've really been cracking down on emulation in the past year.

Lol I thought SJWs were fags?

I don't know what they'll do, Danny. But judging by their track record they'll sue you for however much 'bank' you made plus all your bald spot covering hats.

You should probably say "side hustle" some more. Makes you sound fucking cool as hell, bro. You really are Joe Jr. And it's pizzeria, retard.

"Y'all bullied me off here"

You're sounding an awful lot like JoeyH here Dovid.

Yep. Everyone you disagree with is Joe Cumia. Why not rename the sub at this point?

No you're mentality and what you're saying is exactly like Joe. You're being extra bitchy today. What's the problem little guy?

No, I AM mentality.

Talking like, U NO ME?

When are you getting sent back to the asylum?

Where do you think I'm posting from? Anyway, rec time is over. Bye.

Hey now, that’s not fair.

rich vos is also a tremendous failure.

How's Pancakes House coming along?

I stopped because I was sick of fighting DCMA claims while you trolls downvote every video. Who would continue.

I said in your field. I said NOT MINE. I'm starting to understand now. I even said I was a fan, risking the sub turning on me. I said what I said. In English. You're acting like Joe dude.

What did you do 15 years ago? Would you say that's your field?

Yes. I have the same career except I was lower on the food chain 15 years ago. What does my life have to do with any of this? Again, I'm probably one of the few that always gave you respect and now you sound like the paranoid bovine.

Yes. You're the only one.

You do seem exceedingly cunty today Daniel. You also sound like Count Groomia's brother too. Nobody started on you until you pushed first. Bro, you stink on ice


lol. You guys dish out SOO much and can't take ANYTHING back.

It says pushed.. Holee shit. You're losing it again Ross

Oh no! I read something wrong! WHERES MY MEDS?????

There's a large difference between push and punch. You're really just attacking everyone and every thing. Maybe a cup of chamomile tea will help.

You guys will really nitpick anything.

You were the nitpicker. I pretty much called you talented. You went nuts. You're so bitter that you're in your own way. I hope you're not this bitter in real life. It took me all this time to really understand why you get so much shit here. If you'd just relax a little, some of us might lighten up. You said we all downvote your videos. I didn't. But I didn't realize what a complete asshole you were until today

Reddit isn't real life. Stop.

Funny. You're the one acting like you've been bruised and badly beaten. You're exactly like Joe

You just make shit up and believe it don't you

Nice last word stupid

Manischewitz wine is not medicine Dovid.






Another hit show from the Opester.

Hmm someone at Apple mistakenly labeled Opie's podcast under 'comedy'. Hopefully Apple corrects this egregious error.

Also Bam Margera fucks Lynsi Hughes.

I came here to see why there were so many comments. What a trainwreck. Danny probably shit in the sandbox when he was little and ruined it for the other kids

This one sure turned into a party.

Shit show.

Review: Opie apologizes for not being vocal in support of Tammy re: Amy Schumer when she called into the show, blames Jim. Says Jim pushed hard to back Amy. Good conversation.