All the cumia docs are gone from beige’s channel

49  2019-08-12 by spolrak123

I just checked, could it be that antH and blow joeb rogan united to take them down, or more probable count kumya just saw the opportunity to strike him?



Those sccccccumbags really motherfucked him.

"This was Joe Cumia' doing. I've made my videos private to hopefully protect myself. I don't know if it will work, but we will see"

That fucking cow really needs to start earning that welfear now that tranth is drying up, i hope beige can fight this because his docs are within fair use, i heard something similar is happening with chris hansen from TKAP that is doing the exact same thing ( false dmca small channels)and people are talking about it

If he would make a torrent, we could spread it around much easier.

I already downloaded them all. It'll be a shame if they go down but we'll all just reupload them 1000 times.

Joe is harassing me with copyright strikes so I'm moving the Cumia videos over to bitchute, where they will still be available but off my channel.

TYFYS. For real your docs are good dude. Doing the lords work.

Shit im sorry this is happening, the dmca system is completelly fucked up those cunts probabily Took note of the joe rogan situation and acted up,chris hansen is doing the same thing to smaller channels uploading to catch a predator videos that are in fair use just like yours, Good luck man

Thanks for all your hard work. I'm only sad that you weren't doing the Photoshop drawings of your subject matter during the videos in those days. Would love to see your rendition of MooJoeH.

I might do this in the future. I don't think he can copyright claim an original work of art.

Would love to see him issue a DMCA claim his bovine stare.

Unless it's defamatory and he can't get work from it, it's all good. Do a Tracey Emin and dab a bit of child spit on it, then it's truly art, and priceless.

Hey I'm with you on the censorship thing, but you're either ignorant of What Brent Pixel is, or you're being disingenuous about this, using Rogan's name to gain traction. Because with minimal research you'll find out that you're clearly pointing your gun in the wrong direction. This is gonna backfire on you if you don't get your facts straight.

Brent Pixels is an independent company that not only manages JRE, but Funimation, College Humor, and plenty of other brands. How it works is that you subscribe to their services, they help you grow your channel, they claim and monetize every clip they could find with your content in it, and they also help clean up your online image. That includes striking down every video critiquing your brand, even if it's under "fair use."

Now of course, they only do this to an extent. Usually to low-reach channels that lack the money, time, and influence to fight off these copyright strikes in court if need be. So as you've noticed, they abuse this power.

You're blaming Rogan for "harassing you with copyright strikes" when he 100% has no idea about your case whatsoever. You're making him out to be the one responsible for this, which is fucking preposterous.

You are right in the sense that you're being targeted, but not by Rogan, rather by Schaub's own team. I know because these mofos took down my video before making fun of Shmob. His brother (Jay) has a reputation for being obnoxious about cleaning up Schaub's online image. One call to the guys from Showtime / Brent Pixels and your video's down. That's how easy it is. Idk why in your mind Rogan has to be in on this. That hurts your own credibility imo.

By Joe in this circumstance I mean Joe Cumia

Joe Rogan is a faggot. Saying anything more is just senseless rambling.

I'm not going to question all the points you've raised because you obviously have more knowledge on the situation than I do, and Beige can defend himself, but doesn't Schaub have a history of running to Rogan whenever he's criticized? For example, Russell Peters hurt Schaub's feelings with some run-of-the-mill ball busting at the comedy store recently, so he went and told Joe Rogan (Schaub said this himself) and the next time Schaub was at the comedy store, Russell told him that he was only joking and that he actually liked him. Clearly Rogan got involved there, and it wouldn't surprise me if he's involved now.

You have a link to this story? Schaub is such a fucking bitch.

Thanks brothaman

Do you reply to the DMCAs?

Those dirty bastards. Ant and Joe are both podcaster and have both used others material content. Joe is literally in a cover band. The hypocrisy is staggering.

Someone smarter than me do something with the angle "CENSORED DOCUMENTARY exposing a notorious shock jock's history of pedophilia and violence against women"

can't you fight the copyright strikes? you're videos are fair use.

I can file a counter notification, which means I have to give joe all my personal info.

i dont think hed do anything with that tbh. hed face a lot of backlash


Some people here are wistful for the losing side of WWII. You aren’t one of them.

I don’t think you’ve posted anything that would set you back personally or professionally... why not go through with it?

I'm not worried about the docs ruining my reputation or anything but I have family and we're currently going through a lot, as it is.

What if someone else uploads them, Joe files DMCA then SOMEONE ELSE files the counter notification that doesn't give a shit? Or pretends like they're some 13 year old that doesn't know dick about the internet?

Get AntH's Twitter banned in retaliation. He's basically an illegal immigrant in their eyes.

I'm pretty sure he's shadowbanned already .

That's not good enough

it's very convenient this happened in the wake of the Epstein "suicide."

Big week of deleting for the Toe Rogaine.

2 so-called entertainers that can't handle criticism.

Where's u/MichaelRichardsBot when you need him.

Digitally berating the coloreds over at u/JackieChiles

When they first came out that idiot was acting like it was his spinal tap and the price of fame. Now that he's cracked and can't handle it's all that would exist to remember him by.

My channel is monetized but all of the cumia videos were demonetized