The main reason why Joe truly hates us, is because we prevent him from criticizing the lives of others, by consistently pointing out the faults in his.

85  2019-08-11 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Clean your fucking room, Joe.


Joe also calls us all hypocrites for contradicting ourselves all the time. He forgets that we are all different people and not a hive mind. We’re people from all over the globe and the one thing we all have in common is Joe is stupid.

Joe is an international supertard.

We need to deploy him to the Middle East; we could unite Jews and Muslims in minutes if they could just listen to him for long enough to hate him more than they hate each other.

How many _so so so so so_s do you think it would take for that to happen?

Classic baby boomer narcissism

classic baby boy narcissism

Classic baby spit narcissism

I really can’t stand boomers. They always blatantly project their own retarded flaws onto the younger generations, and they’re all really fucking stupid.

Every time we point out how badly boomers have fucked themselves and future generations over, Joe calls us entitled. A man who hasn’t worked an honest day in his pathetic life and depends on his little brother to live actually has the nerve to call people entitled. It’s really incredible.

Their parents put them in front of televisions and ignored them, they never truly grew up and never had to deal with any major wars, economic downturns or cataclysmic events like 9/11. They’re the most worthless generation in world history.

your brother fucks children. yeah no he pays me 60 a year, that's not worth speaking out against children fucking. I lose that income my wife will go back to the superior nigger dick.

She is not wife material.

Judging by the wrinkles she's ball sac material.

bitch has a face like an elbow

She looks like she smells like she looks

Technically, doesn't everybody look like they smell like they look?

Someone downvoted you, Joe is still here reading everything.

“JoeH” or “Joey”, please.

everyone has a price

Except Joe's time.

Joe loves us. He stops existing the moment we stop paying attention.

Schrödinger's Dunce.

Wigner's Fag

Joe cannot point out the problems of a straw man African American when we are here to remind Joe that he himself is a dumb nigger.

No one likes looking in the mirror that hard.

He hates us because he is only known as Low-T Joey or Old Joey.

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