Messages from the brother Joe

4  2019-08-11 by floatingoften


Nice keyboard, stupid.

My touch screen sensor on my iPhone x went out. I'm on a back up burner. Nice post stupid. Go suck Antwon Kumias Tunisian dick. You think I love or enjoy using this phone? Stupid.

Nice response, stupid.

im on a back up burner.

Receipt for IphoneX or I don't believe you.

I've read some of your comments you seem like a cricket mobile kind if degenerate.

You really showed him!

ROFL I should have dropped a subpoena on him.

Say Tunisian again

It's not Joe

Fuck you, let me take a photo of all my personal belongings so I can prove to you my self worth. Shut the fuck up. I've always had iPhones and its my second iPhone X.