Welcome back to The Nana Show! Today we're gonna be discussing niggers and black crime statistics HAHA HO-LEE SHIT!!!!!!!!!

31  2019-08-11 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud


Nana hasn't seen this big a crowd since his court appearance for strangeling and biting a child.

Look at how uncomfortable Nana looks on his own fucking show, holding his arms like that. What the hell happened to this man? He is a nervous, frail shell of a human being.

What the hell happened to this man? He is a nervous, frail shell of a human being.

A gang of black youth didn't believe him when he told them to back off and "this ain't your show". He looks so pensive because he is surrounded by green screens and is still hilarious.

He just makes other people uncomfortable sitting in that ugly bright room, having to look at his moon cratered face in its full ugliness

Not only does the camera hate him, it forced Ant down the road of HA-HA HO-LEE SHIT-ing to cover the dead moments. They should have only kept the wide angle camera when other people were in, but then Ant can't indulge in his opening with rambling political rants, the same old talking points and his Carson/Aces High impressions when his big gets of Matt Holt and Derek Richards are in studio. He got lost all right. Nice show, stupid.

Which is why he targets kids. It's the only time he can be in charge.

Look at the way Nana’s outer shirt is tucked under his side fat. I guess he can no longer afford the personal trainer.

Now why do we have to take it there?

What’s with that Landaus guys beetle juice hair cut

Cool it with the spoilers.

I don't like Joe Rogan but this seems like a waste of time even for him.

He has pretty much the most popular podcast in the world with millions of listeners, and he's doing this show that gets maybe a few hundred views. Why?

say anything about him hes loyal to his minions, despite 90% of them are unfunny waste of time

wtf? is that midget joe "DMCA" rogan? hes even shorter than low t ang

He should know about these black crime statistics first hand seeing that he was bludgeoned in the face by that black prostitute