Jim Norton Lands 12 Episode Netflix Series for Reality Show of His Life

31  2019-08-10 by runnerroad9


Someone should do a well-funded documentary on Jim that slowly and slyly exposes that everything he thinks is interesting about him isn't true and he's just a socially detached, boring old man. The last shot is him texting alone in his stark white, empty apartment.

this show is going to provide more than enough material for something like that

Do the producers not know how he -allegedly- raped a drunk minor?

I think he is too lazy to even use props anymore. Now he is just a woke girl

Yet another reason I’m glad I canceled my Netflix account

The PrEP Comic: An inside look at the life of a closeted homosexual comic who gets plowed in the ass by he/shes in order to convince himself he is not gay.

I just watched the Porsalin documentary about Jim...sheesh what a cunt. I had a good laugh at him lamenting his 5 ft 11 Icelandic transexual escort haha. What a dweeb.


Enema Junkieeee.

Scared me for a sec.


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