Duuuuuuuuudddde you got your megazord, you got your karate, you got your teamwork. Boom. You've defeated evil dude.

75  2019-08-10 by Mush_Mouth_Vos



Dudddeee, ya know what I think the green ranger is the most powerful. He has heart and fights the best dude. Plus green the best color dudeeeee

He's got a knife that's also a flute, dude


Nana's Rita Repulsa.

I heard he also had a cameo as the black ranger

Vurry good.


It’s munching time!

I can't believe it's taken this long for you guys to post this.

Joe Cumia plays the black ranger

Find me teenagers with attitude duuude, but not any that are schmarmyyyy

The Blue Ranger was a faggot that got bullied on set.

Rightfully so.

I like that apparently the based Green Ranger was his primary bully. It makes me so happy.

Why would it? What are you, too weak to beat your own gays? Sir, may I recommend The Big Apple Ranch? It's a place for fellows of your caliber.

I liked the red one.

That Kimberly got me started with wanting to stick it up gal’s butts.

Hell yeah

I wanted to stick my tongue up the asshole of the pink one.