Images that elevate Joe Rogan's blood pressure

170  2019-08-09 by 2Shirts4life


Toe Rogan is a faggot.

cringe and owen-pilled

Good thing he did this one before a Rogan one.

My theory is that Joe feels guilty for encouraging Brendan to quit fighting and start a comedy career, now he feels responsible for this retarded Frankenstein and doubles down.

Spot on.

I would say you have the right of it.

Joe has always tried to have some semblance of a conscience, but he's too dumb and high to do so with any kind of intellectual consistency.

It's kind of his Achilles he can't risk anything after Alex Jones fans were disowning him

I don’t know. He definitely did him a favor by talking him into quitting fighting, but a major disservice by encouraging the comedy career. I’d say it evens out.

I’m curious did Joe ever explicitly say “you should do stand up comedy!” Or was it more of like,” yeah you’re a funny guy I’m sure you’ll succeed at something else”

Oh 100%

This has to be the best unintentional publicity move for r/BeigeFrequency

The situation is really crazy.

i think this could work out for OK for you ultimately, your name is plastered all over one of the biggest channels on YT.

I watched the doc and it's one of your best. Normally with these I'm skeptical watching as it's hard for me (as a wise-ass who likes to poke holes in things) to look at it as separate from what we do here, I have to forget that I know your name from this hive of slander and gossip to take it seriously, i watch for the laughs. This one, however, leaves next to no room for people to play devil's advocate. it is a scathing indictment of something that is a legit problem to an entire industry. As an MMA fan, I was also pretty impressed how on-the-money you were talking about his career. I think when people see it, it will be obvious that it's because they're butt hurt at someone calling them out that they're flagging the videos.

Keep pressing the issue.

Well you’ve got my support for one. I think you’re doing the lord’s work by exposing these assholes. Keep up the good work

I've heard that images of Boston bathhouses have a similar effect.

God there can’t be a more hatable Joe than Joe Rogan. I mean I’m sure not one exists.

I know nobody here listens to his podcast anymore but if people continue commenting on his videos he is going to have to address the situation sooner or later.

Anyone familiar with his old message boards will know how much of a bitchmade LA faggot he really is.

(((They))) are fucking up big time by making him the voice of a generation.

I used to pirate shit on his old forum like 10 years ago. He used to write those lengthy, poorly written screeds that went nowhere. He picks decent guests sometimes, what a genius.

Anyone have a squeaky, clean account to share the Beige video where he explains it got taken down by that ssssssccuuuumbag? Somewhere on reddit where it can get them up in arms about, infringing and trying to silence(bullying), smaller channels. They'd eat it up.

I must have seen the second upload. It may be the most clear and focused Beige video yet. Here's a thought & a detailed analysis of why I think it... I had no idea that TFatK sub hated him enough to have their own system of injokes mocking him.