Comedian Mark RanDoM Tears into Jim Norton on compound media before jims show

9  2019-08-08 by cumskank48


This dude has a point.

“(Jim Norton) destroyed comedy.”

He’s not wrong.

Mark Random is a stupid fucking name.

Any point made on a pedophile’s network is null and void.

Jim Norton either had female comedians open for him and he awkwardly tried and failed to fuck all of them for 12 years or he’s gay and thinks girls are funny.

The title made me think Random was an anagram for Normand.

And for the first time ever, there weren’t enough N’s.

That's a good joke man, thank you.

Hey heeeyyyyyy!! This guy thought the alt-right spaz was gonna be meeeee!!!

I'll go back to being the most quiet guy in the room until i'm the loudest guy for a few seconds! Yeeaaaaaahhh!!

I wish there were a documentary about this theory.

Everyone on that stupid network is an asshole. Some of their shows get 6 viewers and none of them realize that they suck at this AM radio act.

I have a teenage cousin who has a podcast and listening to four 18-20 year olds talk about taking shits and stealing from work is more entertaining

I like what he's saying but he lost me with the neck tattoo.

Is this entire show the hosts awkwardly looking at a guy talking offscreen? Cumpound Media keeps coming up with new and inventive ways to shit the production bed.