Reminder: The Brothers Qumia think they would fit in white communities in Middle America because they vote Republican

23  2019-08-08 by Kenn_Kennnerson

Imagine a swarthy shiftless Qumia with the Long Island accents in a farming community in Nebraska formed by hardworking German and Scandinavian settlers?

For one, a lot of those people value hard work for it's own sake...


when he was allowed to own guns, Anth was talking about moving to Texas

It would be impossible for a Qumia to dress in any western gear without it looking like a costume

The people would just think he’s a well dressed Guatemalan day laborer.

Semen Slurpers II: The Legend of Tony's Dwindling Finances

He wouldn’t survive in Texas unless he lived in shitty ass Arlington

Honest to God white folks however misguided and self serving still have fucking fundraisers and mission trips to Guatemala and shit if only for Facebook photos. Ant has zero interest in having any experiences outside of a resort/casino, not even visiting European historical sites despite being so proud of his heritage.

Yet they surround themselves with jews, retarded jews, fags, trannies of all descriptions, purchased tits for a jew tranny, and live like total wop trash. You know, catholic eyetaleens are a better fit with the darkies, which they are.

Can’t vouch for the Midwest but I know southerners would be thrilled with a darkskinned yankee moving in and trying to hook up with their 17 year old daughters.