My brother makes a lot more money than I do. I have never or would ever take any from him. In fact, we still split rounds of drinks when we go out and I still pay him the 5 or 10 dollars I owe if I lose at pool.

50  2019-08-08 by MarbleSpaceCat

I actually make about 60k a year after taxes, too. I would ALWAYS pick working a real full time job for that money than taking it from my wealthy brother to do nothing. Self respect and my pride as a man is worth more than being a kept unemployed man with a hobby.

How humiliating must it be to rely on your brother to provide for your child?

I had to borrow about 1100 dollars once to repair a car while I was moving houses and under a lot of financial strain. He was happy to do it and said I could pay it back whenever I wanted, or not at all. I paid him back promptly and with a little extra as a thank you. I simply can not comprehend being 65 years old like Joe and relying on Ant for a living. All jokes aside it makes me ashamed of him as a father.


I bet you are not a retarded, bovine faced faggot either

I mean, he probably is.

But I like that Joe's stupidity is on such a level that these people are emboldened, look at themselves and their weird situations and think, "Well fuck, even I'm better than Joey."

I bet you have never been accused of pedphilia and didn't deny it

It really takes a low life to rely on his little brother to support him when he's perfectly capable of working for himself.

I've got an older brother that makes around three times as much as I do, but I've never asked him for anything and we argue about who pays when we go out to eat together. I can't imagine getting a yearly salary like a goddamn leech and then looking my brother in the eye. I'd be ashamed of myself.

Wow, you're a fucking chump, didn't you know EVERYONE lives off someone else to some extent? Joey told me that.

/u/doxxer100 even if you were being given 600k a year from Ant's family charity I would still look down on you with contempt. We are not jealous of you and your brothers money. You are essentially a reality show housewife, taking someone else's money and spending your time embroiled in pointless online drama because you have nothing else to fill your life with. No purpose and no moral fibre.

Your daughter will be ashamed of you like everyone else.

There were posts on the old sub (RIP) of Joe's social media accounts lambasting "entitled trust fund millennial babies" who have "nothing better to do than spend daddy's money" because they have "no marketable skills to hack it in the real world."

I've done a lot of talking this week. I'll let you all make the jokes:

joe markets his asshole to gay cowboys so much he probably makes more than ant at this point

But are YOU fucking your brother's girlfriend's daughter?

I am??

I bet you don't have low T like ole Low T JoeH either.

You should quit your job and do a podcast

Oh well you have self respect and integrity that’s why

Because we had positive roll models as parents ... not thieving drug addicts that pissed on us as toddlers.

roll model

erock, comment?

That's because you're a normal person and not a deplorable piece of shit.

Whoa whoa whoa.... It’s not like Joey Mooface just gets all this money from his brother for free- he provides a service. It’s called his daughters vagina. Joey ain’t no free loader and I’ll subpoena anyone who says different

if i made millions and wanted to help the people i care about i wouldnt give them handouts i would give them jobs. I would hive handouts to drug addicted uncle that wont leave me alone until i do, but for the people i care about, first my family, I would get decent jobs for, then secondly my friends. I can't imagine it any other way and I think that goes for everyone

Do you resemble a tube shaped meat product by any chance?

My step mother is an actual millionaire. I had to borrow $600 so I could get a new car. I had saved 4500 so far. Guess what, I paid her back on time.

Didya fuck her?