Although he's failed at music, podcasting, comedy, marriage, parody songs, etc....I think there's finally an industry role for a certain dull-witted, lazy, thesaurus abusing cow pie we all know and hate.

36  2019-08-08 by Christopher_Barton


He’s only qualified for a bottom of the barrel menial job like dishwasher or simple factory work. He’s too dumb for anything else, and he’s too old and fat to do any kind of physical work.

He could probably throw on a fake mustache and be a mariachi in a run-down Mexican place.

He is certainly brown enough for it.

Just like Alejandro.

Hes a qualified bottom at the big apple ranch

He's also a thief and an accomplished liar so he would have to be closely supervised and kept away from anything of value in the workplace.

This young twink knows what's up.

I’d gladly hire Bovine Joe. My office is only 10 minutes from his condo. I have cameras everywhere, it would be quite entertaining and hysterical.

He tried applying at The Family Dollar, but he couldn’t get through on the computer.

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger and shout out to Lady Di!

Redditors are fucking obsessed with mental illness. Nobody fucking "breaks down" when trying to find a job unless you've been fed soy and from a young age. These fags are honestly celebrating seeing therapists and taking antidepressants because it makes them dark, man. They just go to this dark place and brood...

It's just as bad as the edgelord nazi sub-brigading faggots who play Rainbow 6 and Call of Duty in all their free time then buy guns thinking they are now seal team six.


You're a faggot.
