I have a bunch of good o and a pictures, and

7  2019-08-07 by moneyonmymind727

I can't upload a fucking one to imgur. I'm new to this shit I didn't even know this existed till now. I'm trying to upload pictures to imgur and every single time it says error uploading after each try. I can't just upload pictures directly to here?


Shut your fucking mouth, Joe.

i would but i don't know dick about the internet

You’re 16 too? I bet you’ve been an O and A fan your entire life!

Is your favorite bit Jocktober?

Yup, I’m having a tough time at home though, my mothers new boyfriend is a complete piece of shit. He got to fuck then beat her up after.

Give that "kid" some credit; he knew dick about the internet but had an encyclopedic knowledge of dick

Thinking that any 16 year old would say that now, is true delusion

Someone help this man.

No - Anthony's Brother Joe is having a hissy fit and claiming copyright infringement on any pictures even peripherally related to him.

Since he claims to have founded the O&A show, and be 50% responsible for its success, we can't even upload O&A pics on here without him flipping out.

So, we can't