Is joe retarded?

15  2019-08-06 by Popblawo


Survey says...

Cumia Family with a chance to steal

they learned from a pro, Joe Sr was the scourge of the vending machine trade

I suspect no cumia has a credit rating better than a homeless person

You really cannot keep track of how stupid he is because when he does something dumb he will quickly top it off by doing something even more stupid. Today In one thread where a poster quoted a saying from Aesop about how you can judge a man by the company you keep, Joe retorts back by saying since Aesop created made up stories that quote can not be true.

missed this. so by extension he's saying that all fiction writers can't be trusted? We're going to need a bigger chest for all these gems

His IQ is so low that he’s incapable of realizing how stupid he looks.

I hear his fists are unclenched


Does a cow (Joe) shit in the field?