BroJoe’s incoming frivolous lawsuit

15  2019-08-05 by lolercakesmcgee

I’m sure Joe will find a great lawyer to represent him in his lawsuit based on people sharing his twitter archives of blatant racism, none of which even need to be altered to be incredibly damning. Also, he decided that publicly sharing these thoughts was a great idea since he is as smart as a sack of hammers.

I’m sure a very reputable lawyer would put their reputation on the line to defend an obvious racist. I believe people defending ugly racist people (who can enter contracts) will continue to be on the right side of history.


u/lawyerherelistenup we've got a deep cover mission for you

What is his case exactly...people make fun of him on the internet?

Yes. He'll be suing us under the "Don't Tell Mom" statute.

I bet one comped meal at Panera Bread (including a Gatorade) that his initial lawyer drops the case after investigating these accusations of racism and finding out that despite what Joe says, they're true.
