I'm Joe Buck and I can't fuck

19  2019-08-05 by TheGhostOfAbeVigoda

Due to erectile dysfunction caused by low testosterone.


Haha. Posting pics of yourself taking Test shots is such a Joe Qmia thing to do. ZERO self awareness. 😎

What if i overdub music from Pulp Fiction to make it cool?

I hope Uma Thurman caves his temple in with a door

Ugly feet

Is JoeH threatening to dox you? If he is, tell me about it... I need something to fire-me-up.

On the bright side, if he doxxes you, you can license some of the parody and satirical content he's DMCAing, post it again, and counter him--including the Beige documentary.

There is a risk he'll actually file a lawsuit, but it's not like he's Sony or Disney. I'd love to see him fail all of the Fogerty tests in tremendous fashion and then have to cover your attorney's fees.

Joe crawls the web and DMCAs every single negative mention of him or his bands, even just text. That goes way beyond a "good faith belief" that the stuff isn't fair use; and reasonableness.

He ain't doxxing anybody.

Low T is a badge of honor. EVERYONE with Low T should be proud of it!